This comprehensive course covers broad methodological issues, short-term observation and long-term observation of elections. Upon completion of the entire course you will receive a certificate.
This course replaces the previous version for short-term observers (, now disabled):
- If you do not hold the old certificate, please enrol in this course. To take this course, click on its title and self-enrol by using the link ‘Enrol me in this course’ and by entering the enrolment key 'ODIHR'.
- If you successfully completed the previous version of the course for short-term observers, please use the course just below (Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers – Submit Your Old STO Certificate) to submit your old certificate and proceed directly to the new modules.
Enrolment key: ODIHR

This is a parallel version of the Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers, dedicated to those who have successfully completed the previous version of the course for short-term observers (
- If you hold the old certificate (see sample certificate on the left), please click on the title of this course, self-enrol by using the link ‘Enrol me in this course’ and by entering the enrolment key 'ODIHR', and submit your certificate. This will allow you to skip the first five modules and proceed directly to the new ones on long-term observation (modules 6 and 7). After taking the short quizzes at the end the two modules you will obtain a certificate, identical to the one received by participants to the full Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers.
- If you do not hold the old certificate, please enrol in the comprehensive course just above.
- If you hold the new certificate received after completing the comprehensive course, we already have a copy of your new certificate and you do not need to submit it.
Enrolment key: ODIHR

Этот электронный курс предназначен для поддержки государств-участников ОБСЕ в подготовке потенциальных наблюдателей за выборами. Курс открыт для всех заинтересованных, так как также имеет своей целью объяснение методологии наблюдения за выборами БДИПЧ ОБСЕ. Курс содержит три компонента, которые охватывают как широкие методологические вопросы, так и практические аспекты работы краткосрочных и долгосрочных наблюдателей.
Исходя из того, что английский является рабочим языком миссий БДИПЧ ОБСЕ по наблюдению за выборами, русскоязычный курс предназначен, в первую очередь, для ознакомления с методологией наблюдения за выборами БДИПЧ ОБСЕ, и участники русскоязычной версии курса не будут получать итоговый Сертификат.
Для того, чтобы пройти этот курс, щелкните по его названию и самостоятельно зарегистрируйтесь, используя ссылку “Enrol me in this course” и введя ключ регистрации "БДИПЧ".
Ключ для зачисления: БДИПЧ

This comprehensive course covers broad methodological issues, short-term observation and long-term observation of elections. Upon completion of the entire course you will receive a certificate.
This course replaces the previous version for short-term observers (, now disabled):
- If you do not hold the old certificate, please enrol in this course. To take this course, click on its title and self-enrol by using the link ‘Enrol me in this course’ and by entering the enrolment key 'ODIHR'.
- If you successfully completed the previous version of the course for short-term observers, please use the course just below (Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers – Submit Your Old STO Certificate) to submit your old certificate and proceed directly to the new modules.
Enrolment key: ODIHR

This comprehensive course covers broad methodological issues, short-term observation and long-term observation of elections. Upon completion of the entire course you will receive a certificate.
This course replaces the previous version for short-term observers (, now disabled):
- If you do not hold the old certificate, please enrol in this course. To take this course, click on its title and self-enrol by using the link ‘Enrol me in this course’ and by entering the enrolment key 'ODIHR'.
- If you successfully completed the previous version of the course for short-term observers, please use the course just below (Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers – Submit Your Old STO Certificate) to submit your old certificate and proceed directly to the new modules.
Enrolment key: ODIHR

This comprehensive course covers broad methodological issues, short-term observation and long-term observation of elections. Upon completion of the entire course you will receive a certificate.
This course replaces the previous version for short-term observers (, now disabled):
- If you do not hold the old certificate, please enrol in this course. To take this course, click on its title and self-enrol by using the link ‘Enrol me in this course’ and by entering the enrolment key 'ODIHR'.
- If you successfully completed the previous version of the course for short-term observers, please use the course just below (Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers – Submit Your Old STO Certificate) to submit your old certificate and proceed directly to the new modules.
Enrolment key: ODIHR

This is a parallel version of the Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers, dedicated to those who have successfully completed the previous version of the course for short-term observers (
- If you hold the old certificate (see sample certificate on the left), please click on the title of this course, self-enrol by using the link ‘Enrol me in this course’ and by entering the enrolment key 'ODIHR', and submit your certificate. This will allow you to skip the first five modules and proceed directly to the new ones on long-term observation (modules 6 and 7). After taking the short quizzes at the end the two modules you will obtain a certificate, identical to the one received by participants to the full Comprehensive Course for OSCE/ODIHR Observers.
- If you do not hold the old certificate, please enrol in the comprehensive course just above.
- If you hold the new certificate received after completing the comprehensive course, we already have a copy of your new certificate and you do not need to submit it.
Enrolment key: ODIHR